Top 20 Best Android Apps 2015

Here's an in-depth video on the Top 20 Best Android Apps for 2015. More videos coming shortly. Stay Tuned :) Top 20 Must Have Android Apps 2015 : coming up.



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FCC now inquiring about AT&T's involvement in Google Voice's iPhone rejectionby Ross Miller posted Jul 31st 2009 at 7:32PM
Yeah, we're pretty much all peeved by Apple suddenly ejecting all traces of Google Voice from the app store, but now it looks to have drawn the ire of the Federal Communications Commission, as well. According to a report from The Wall Street Journal,
the agency has sent out three letters, one each to Apple, AT&T, and
Google. To the latter company, it asked for a description of the Google
Voice app and whether previous Google apps have been approved for the
store (it has, but that's another interesting story).
To Cupertino, it's asking the phone manufacturer to explain itself over
the sudden exorcism and what involvement, if any, AT&T had in this
decision. The report doesn't make a direct indication of what the
letter to the carrier said, but we can imagine it's similar to what
Apple got, plus some doodles at the end of a stick figure letting out
an exasperated sigh. In a statement today, FCC Chairman Julius
Genachowski said it "has a mission to foster a competitive wireless
marketplace, protect and empower consumers, and promote innovation and
investment." Hey Julius, while you're at it, can you see about Skype and Slingbox for us, too? Thanks.
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LEDSAUR Tyrannosaurus Rex desk lamp makes chewing through paperwork less monotonousby Laura June posted Jul 31st 2009 at 6:55PM

We'll be straight with you: it was
pretty much love at first sight for us and dinosaur bones, and while
we've always harbored a secret desire to someday acquire a real T-Rex
fossil for our private collection, the LEDSAUR is probably our best
shot at anything even close to that. Besides taking on that famous
shape we love, this carnivorous piece of lighting is pretty stylish,
with each of its vertebrae represented with an LED. The lamp is made of
stainless steel, it's bendable, and it comes with a remote control.
It's sadly only available in Japan for the time being, and runs between
$115 and $270.

[Via CrunchGear]
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PS3 manufacturing costs down 70 percent? Strange, it doesn't feel that wayby Paul Miller posted Jul 31st 2009 at 6:08PM
We understand that Sony has a long way to go in making up the losses
it's incurred by selling the PS3 at a loss -- even if it was commanding
the highest price in the industry the whole while -- but if this latest
word on manufacturing costs is correct, we'd say Sony has some room to
get the console under that dastardly $400 mark. During an overseas call
with investors over Sony's Q1 financials, Nobuyuki Oneda, Sony's CFO
and Executive VP, apparently stated that manufacturing costs for the
PS3 are down 70 percent, which is right "on schedule." While there's no
official cost published by Sony, those in the know estimate the console
originally cost around $800 to produce, and should be down to roughly
$240 at this point. Maybe a holiday price cut is in the cards? Boy, we
sure hope so. Either that, or he's already spouting off the PS3 Slim's production cost, which is a win for everybody.

[Via Joystiq]
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Video: Arduino-based 'insecure, egotistical' robot bandby Joseph L. Flatley posted Jul 31st 2009 at 5:37PM
One part gadget, one part art project, and 100% awesome, the Cybraphon is a MacBook powered, Arduino-based
mechanical band housed in an antique wardrobe. Including an organ,
cymbals, a motor-driven Indian Shruti box (played with 13 robotic
servos, no less), and a gramophone, it relies on infrared motion
detectors to sense when it has an audience. A number of factors,
including the amount of attention it gets on Facebook, MySpace, and
Twitter, help the device determine its "mood," which in turn determines
when the "band" plays, and what material it selects. According to one
of the artist / inventors, the Cybraphon is a "tongue-in-cheek comment
on people's obsession with online celebrity. We modeled it on an
insecure, egotistical band." That's our favorite kind! And you know,
the thing doesn't sound half bad. Check it out for yourself after the
Continue reading Video: Arduino-based 'insecure, egotistical' robot band
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Movie Gadget Friday: Strange Daysby Ariel Waldman posted Jul 31st 2009 at 5:03PMAriel Waldman contributes Movie Gadget Friday, where she highlights the lovable and lame gadgets from the world of cinema.

On our last episode of Movie Gadget Friday, we rode around the robotics-dependent world of Runaway. Traversing from robots-gone-wrong to "wire-tripping"-technology-junkies, this week jacks-in to the cyberpunk streets of LA in Strange Days.
While lacking in computer gadgetry, there is no shortage of leather
pants, grunge metal, huge cell phones and random rioting in this 1995
film. Keeping true to the times, we can't get over how even the
murderer commits crimes while managing to sport a fanny pack.

SQUID Receptor Rig

Short for Super-conducting Quantum Interference Device, the SQUID
receptor rig consists of a two-part system: a lightweight, flexible
mesh of electrodes and a recorder. The technology had originally been
developed for the feds to replace body wires, but has since leaked onto
the black market. The SQUID acts as a magnetic field measurement tool
on a micro level. By placing the electrodes over your head and
activating the recorder, your first-person audio-visual-sensory
experience is recorded wirelessly, direct from the cerebral cortex onto
a TDK 60-minute MiniDisc. The rig can also be hacked using a signal
splitter and simstim attachment - allowing someone else to experience
your experience in real-time. Optional accessories for the rig include
a fanny pack for closely storing the recorder and various wigs for
concealing your otherwise obvious surveillance of others.

Unfortunately, there appears to be no way to directly upload these
recordings to the net, leaving room for inefficient, in-person, illegal
"playback" dealings of MiniDiscs similar to buying and selling drugs.
From sex to committing crimes, clients to the self-proclaimed
"switchboard of souls" dealers are able to jack-in to a variety of
illicit activities without leaving their home. More after the break.Continue reading Movie Gadget Friday: Strange Days
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Take Back the Beep: how to disable voicemail instructions on Sprint (updated!)by Paul Miller posted Jul 31st 2009 at 5:02PM

While we wait for all the carriers to get on board with nixing their endless, unhelpful voicemail pre-beep messages, we've already got instructions from Sprint on how to disable it for your own particular voicemail box on that network.

It's pretty easy:

Call your voicemail
At the menu, press 3 for personal options
Press 2 for greeting
Press 1 to change the greeting
To enable / disable the instructions, press 3

Trust us, we did some serious searching for similar instructions on the
other major carriers, but had no luck. If you know of anything, let us

Update: Thanks to some helpful comments we've got
instructions for AT&T and Verizon for lopping off bits of the
message, and, in Verizon's case, speeding up the talking. Check 'em out
after the break. Consider yourselves upgraded to orange, guys!Continue reading Take Back the Beep: how to disable voicemail instructions on Sprint (updated!)
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Reminder: vote for your favorite Kindle design by Monday!by Laura June posted Jul 31st 2009 at 4:32PM

Our Kindle contest that we're running in cooperation with our good friends at Adafruit Industries and Amazon
has drawn to an epic conclusion, and there's simply no other way to put
it -- we're blown away. We received literally dozens upon dozens of
incredible, art gallery-worthy entries and it was all but impossible to
narrow them down to a group of finalists -- but after an entire weekend
of mulling, debating, and hand-wringing, we've done the dirty work and
narrowed it down to a group of just twenty-three. Now, dear readers,
the fate of five Kindles lies in your hands and your hands alone. The
laser awaits.

So here's what we need from you: pick your favorite by 11:59PM ET on Monday, August 3rd.
That's it. We'll take the five top vote-getters and award each with a
6-inch Kindle engraved with their design -- and of course, we'll post
pictures of the finished products before they go out to their lucky

Hit the read link below to view the finalists and cast your votes! Good luck to everyone!
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Microsoft announces pricing for Windows 7 family pack, upgradingby Laura June posted Jul 31st 2009 at 4:03PM
Micosoft's announced some Windows 7
pricing today, starting with a "family pack" option, which will allow
users to upgrade three PCs to the Home Premium edition of the operating
system for $149. The upgrade from XP or Vista to Home Premium for
individual users, as previously announced, is $119.
The company's also announced the Microsoft Anytime Upgrade option,
which will allow users to move from one version of Windows 7 to another
for a discounted price. Moving from Windows 7 Starter to Home Premium
will run you $79.99, while the move from Home Premium to Professional
will set you back $89.99. Finally, the move from Windows 7 Professional
to Ultimate will cost $139.99, and Microsoft says that the upgrades can
be done in about 10 minutes. The company did not, however, specify what
the move from Windows 7 Ultimate to Windows 7 Uber-Super Awesome would
run, but we'll keep an eye out for you, and let you know when we do.

[Via CNET]
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Nokia 5800i XpressMusic hits the FCC: it's like the 5800, only less soby Joseph L. Flatley posted Jul 31st 2009 at 3:43PM
Over the years we've found that usually, when a
company takes a model number and slaps an extra letter on the end of
it, there's some sort of feature or update they're highlighting. iPhone
3GS? That one's easy: "speed." But if we're reading this FCC business
correctly, Nokia's new 5800i XpressMusic
handset apparently differs little from its older sibling -- save for
the fact that they've removed that pesky WiFi antenna from the thing.
Because, really, what would you do with all that connectivity, anyways?
Also, while still sporting a 3 megapixel camera, those specs are listed
as a 4.6mm on the new handset (the original is 3.7mm). As GSM Arena
has pointed out, this could be due to either a narrower field of view
or a larger sensor -- probably the latter. Not too much more info here,
but if you're morbidly curious, please feel free to check out the
gallery below. It's a blast.Gallery: Nokia 5800i XpressMusic hits the FCC: it's like the 5800, only less soRead - Nokia 5800i XM shows up. Loses Wi-Fi connectivityRead - FCC teases with Nokia 5800i XM - better camera, but no Wi-Fi?

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HP debuts 2709m 27-inch 16:9 displayby Laura June posted Jul 31st 2009 at 3:10PM
HP's just announced its new 27-inch,
16:9 display, the 2709m. This giant puts out a native 1080p picture,
and boasts two HDMI inputs, one DVI and one VGA port. With a 30,000:1
contrast ratio, we can expect the display to be nice and vivid, and
it's got two built-in 2-watt speakers, and a reported response time of
5ms. The 2709m is available from HP now for $499.

[Via Electronista]
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Engadget Podcast 157 - 07.31.2009by Trent Wolbe posted Jul 31st 2009 at 2:31PM
Another quiet week, podcast fans -- but we were still excited by a few
new toys, like the new Creative Zii EGG, the Kodak Zi8, and the Nikon
D300s. We also spent some time with the new Sony Walkman X-series,
which got us thinking about Sony's fortunes in this brave new world and
how the company might need to change -- and speaking of change, both
Apple and Palm need to rethink some of their current policies. Oh, and
to top it all off, the Wall Street Journal
totally whiffed that Apple-at-CES story, and we've got the scoop on how
our old friend Ryan Block laid some truth on things. Hm, maybe it
wasn't such a quiet week after all.

P.S.- Just Josh and Nilay this time, but we promise the whole band's getting back together soon. Hosts: Joshua Topolsky, Nilay Patel Producer: Trent Wolbe Song: Bohemian RhapsodyHear the podcast 00:02:56 - Creative debuts Android-powered Zii EGG for developers and OEMs00:15:26 - US Sony Walkman X-series unboxing and hands-on00:29:22 - Kodak's 1080p Zi8 HD pocket camcorder in hand00:34:45 - Nikon D300s officially announced -- 720p/24 movie mode with autofocus and mic input00:40:24 - Google Voice iPhone app rejected, current GV apps lose connection with iTunes00:45:25 - Unofficial Google Voice client for Palm Pre makes the scene00:51:50 - Editorial: Palm, iTunes, and the ties that don't bind01:04:35 - WSJ: Apple going to CES 2010. Reality: Nope.Subscribe to the podcast [iTunes] Subscribe to the Podcast directly in iTunes (enhanced AAC). [RSS MP3] Add the Engadget Podcast feed (in MP3) to your RSS aggregator and have the show delivered automatically. [RSS AAC] Add the Engadget Podcast feed (in enhanced AAC) to your RSS aggregator. [Zune] Subscribe to the Podcast directly in the Zune Marketplace Download the podcast LISTEN (MP3) LISTEN (AAC) LISTEN (OGG) Contact the podcast 1-888-ENGADGET or podcast (at) engadget (dot) com.Twitter: @joshuatopolsky @futurepaul @reckless @engadget
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iPhone OS 3.0.1 update released, fixes SMS vulnerability (updated with statement from Apple)by Nilay Patel posted Jul 31st 2009 at 2:13PM
Looks like Apple pulled the trigger on patching that nasty iPhone SMS vulnerability a little earlier than we expected
-- the iPhone OS 3.0.1 update just hit iTunes. It's not some
lightweight, either: you're looking at 280MB of love here, so get
downloading, friends.

Update: Here's what Apple rep Tom Neumayr had to say about this little episode.
We appreciate the information provided to us about SMS
vulnerabilities which affect several mobile phone platforms. This
morning, less than 24 hours after a demonstration of this exploit,
we've issued a free software update that eliminates the vulnerability
from the iPhone. Contrary to what's been reported, no one has been able
to take control of the iPhone to gain access to personal information
using this exploit.
Well... what do you know about that?

[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]
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Onkyo ND-S1 iPod dock feaures digital audio, composite video, and leaves iPhone owners out of luckby Joseph L. Flatley posted Jul 31st 2009 at 1:51PM
We've seen plenty from the folks at Onkyo in the past, but until now their iPod accessories
have been rather few and far between. That said, we gotta say that this
here ND-S1 iPod dock looks pretty, pretty good. Obviously designed with
the home entertainment crowd in mind, this guy features optical / coax
digital output, composite a/v outs, and supports 16bit audio playback
(up to 48kHz). Also on hand are a USB connection for syncing with
iTunes and a remote control. Compatible with your iPod classic / nano /
touch (sorry iPhone users), you can expect to see this hit the streets
sometime this fall. There's no word yet on price, but you can get a
closer look after the break.[Via AV Watch]
Continue reading Onkyo ND-S1 iPod dock feaures digital audio, composite video, and leaves iPhone owners out of luck
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Engadget Mobile reviews Nokia's Surgeby Darren Murph posted Jul 31st 2009 at 1:20PM
Some might say that the phone you're peering at above is the most
un-Nokia-like Nokia device produced in quite some time (if not ever),
but remember, this one was custom made for US consumers and AT&T's
audience -- something that's not true for too many Espoo-sourced
handsets. Once known as the Mako, Nokia's Surge (or 6790
in international speak) is certainly unorthodox in design, though the
actual specs list is fairly familiar. We get the feeling that Nokia was
aiming to hit a very specific niche with this device, somewhere
in-between the text-happy handsets adored by tweens and the smartphone
desired by Mr. Suit. Care to see if we think Nokia accomplished said
goal? Then head on over to Engadget Mobile for the rest!
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LG's BL40 "Chocolate" phone sashays its way through new adby Donald Melanson posted Jul 31st 2009 at 12:53PM
We've already gotten a pretty good look at LG's stylish new BL40 phone (also simply known the new "Chocolate") courtesy of some official shots,
but no phone launch would be complete without an over the top ad, and
LG's naturally got that covered as well. As you can see for yourself
after the break, the 4-inch, 800 pixel wide display is one of the main
selling points here, and if that's not enough for you, we hear you can
even use it to output full HD video to a TV. Unfortunately, there's
still no word as to when it'll be release 'round these parts, although
there's at least some indication that it could be making its North
American debut on Telus.
Continue reading LG's BL40 "Chocolate" phone sashays its way through new ad
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TASER X3 video hands-on: watch out, baddiesby Paul Miller posted Jul 31st 2009 at 12:24PM
Like most rational human beings, we have a healthy fear of guns. We've
never shot a man in Reno (just to watch him die), and we're even
unlikely to tase a bro in Atlantic City, just to observe him become
temporarily incapacitated. Still, the appeal of a "non-lethal"
deterrent is understandable (and certainly preferable to the
alternative variety), and TASER has made some big additions to its new TASER X3 triple-shot weapon
-- things that serve to make it safer for parties on both sides of the
barrel. Check out a video of us handling (and firing!) this beast after
the break, along with a few tidbits we picked up from the TASER folks
that should provide a small amount of comfort for the TASER-averse.Continue reading TASER X3 video hands-on: watch out, baddies
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Motorola Sholes Android phone for Verizon appears in the fleshby Nilay Patel posted Jul 31st 2009 at 12:01PM
Hm, maybe Motorola should have stuck with the render
a while longer, cause this first shot of the Verizon-bound Sholes
Android smartphone is looking mighty rough. Of course, it is just a
blurrycam leak, and there's a chance we're not seeing this set's true
beauty, but honestly, we're not sure even the most loving press
photographer can make that red D-pad attractive. We'll find out soon
enough, if things go as planned.
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Engadget's recession antidote: win a DYMO LabelWriter 450 Twin Turbo!by Darren Murph posted Jul 31st 2009 at 12:00PM
This whole global economic crisis, and its resulting massive loss of
jobs got us thinking. We here at Engadget didn't want to stand
helplessly by, announcing every new round of misery without giving
anything back -- so we decided to take the opportunity to spread a
little positivity. We'll be handing out a new gadget every day to lucky
readers until we run out of stuff or companies stop sending things.
Today we've got three DYMO LabelWriter 450 Twin Turbos
on offer, ideal for blasting out labels and sticky love notes at your
desk. Read the rules below (no skimming -- we're omniscient and can
tell when you've skimmed) and get commenting! Hooray for free stuff! Big thanks to DYMO for providing the gear! The rules:

Leave a comment below. Any comment will do, but if you want to share your proposal for "fixing" the world economy, that'd be sweet too.
You may only enter this specific giveaway once.
If you enter this giveaway more than once you'll be automatically
disqualified, etc. (Yes, we have robots that thoroughly check to ensure
If you enter more than once, only activate one comment. This is pretty self explanatory. Just be careful and you'll be fine.
Contest is open to anyone in the 50 States, 18 or older! Sorry, we don't make this rule (we hate excluding anyone), so be mad at our lawyers and contest laws if you have to be mad.
Winner will be chosen randomly. Three (3) winners will receive one (1) DYMO LabelWriter 450 Twin Turbo. Approximate retail value is $209.99.
you are chosen, you will be notified by email. Winners must respond
within three days of the end of the contest. If you do not respond
within that period, another winner will be chosen.
Entries can be submitted until Friday, July 31st, at 11:59PM ET. Good luck!
Full rules can be found here.

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Black Wii now available from importers for $333by Nilay Patel posted Jul 31st 2009 at 11:46AM
Yeah, we were pretty bummed that Nintendo's super-hot black Wii wasn't coming to the US,
but fear not, fanboys -- it looks like the stealth console has hit the
gray-market import scene. Sure, you'll have to pay a bit of a premium
at $333, but surely that's a reasonable price for exclusivity, no?[Via DCEmu UK; thanks Craig]
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LG's magical sliding fridge drawers: how did we ever live without them?by Paul Miller posted Jul 31st 2009 at 11:24AM
Sure, we know you get most of your hot, breaking fridge news from our pals over at Fridgegadget,
but if you'll excuse us just this once as we bring to you news of LG's
latest and greatest: the "Ultra-Capacity 4-Door French-Door
Refrigerator." This little number not only has the "world's largest"
water and ice dispenser, but has push-button automatic sliding freezer
drawers. Check out the enthralling video after the break -- you won't
be sorry!Continue reading LG's magical sliding fridge drawers: how did we ever live without them?
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HTC Hero review

Editorial: Palm, iTunes, and the ties that don't bind

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How-to: Build a Blu-ray / TV tuner-equipped HTPC for under $1,000

Engadget Podcast 157 - 07.31.2009

HTC Hero review

Editorial: Palm, iTunes, and the ties that don't bind

TASER X3 video hands-on: watch out, baddies

Pick your favorite design in our Kindle contest!

Sonos CR200 review

How-to: Build a Blu-ray / TV tuner-equipped HTPC for under $1,000

Engadget Podcast 157 - 07.31.2009


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LG KG376's most fascinating feature is its colorNokia 5800i XpressMusic hits the FCC: it's like the 5800, only less soHitachi's 720p Mobile Hi-Vision Cam Wooo now shipping in JapaniPhone OS 3.0.1 update released, fixes SMS vulnerabilityNokia Surge review
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Dawn of War 2 leads Steam weekend saleGameStop hops on the casual bandwagonDisney Interactive posts 20 percent losses in third quarter, citing bad economySega reports $150 million dip in sales for Q1 2010Activision details Tony Hawk Ride's 'celebrity' roster


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Source: Android Market Download

10 Thoughts for November 3, 2023

I judge it's a mix of schadenfreude and irony, that Mark Sanchez took over for Beat a hasty retreat Foles late in the 1st quarter of the Eagles - Texans daring, and delivered, while Jets fans bemoan their ball game where Michael Vick, starting for injured Geno... Best wishes for Conner Halliday and a rapid recovery from a broken fibula, and at.

Source: A dog's life in Portland Oregon.

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