Google Play Newsstand
Google Play Newsstand is a news aggregator and digital newsstand application offered by Google for Android and iOS platforms. Google Play Newsstand was launched for Android on November 20, 2013. It combined the features of Google Play Magazines and Google Currents into a single product, serving subscriptions to magazines, web feeds and server-generated topical feeds. All topical news feeds are free and can be subscribed only from within the app . Priced news sources and magazines can be subscribed from the Google Play Store app on Android or the Google Play website on any device, while free news sources can be subscribed from both within the app or from Google Play. Reviews and ratings can be submitted for all Newsstand content distributed through Google Play. All magazines offer a free 30 day trial, while the free trial period for news sources differs. For example, as of November 2014, The New York Times offers a 60-day trial while The Financial Times offers 14 days. All subscribed topics, feeds, sources and magazines are synced across devices signed in with the same Google account.
Play Newsstand features about 1,900 free and paid publications.
Breaking News
Google Flexibility Newsstand Gets More Material Design
Google hasn't incontrovertibly done the best job of updating their apps to Material Organization, but we do have some good news on that front today. Today Google is rolling out an update to the Google Impose on behave Newsstand app that adds some more Material Design UI.
Android Epic App Battles: Google Fiddle with Newsstand vs Flipboard
Google Butter up Newsstand is the culmination of two of Google's “play” apps, with Ingratiate oneself with News and Play Magazines. Wrapping them up into one package was a grievous idea, but how does it fare against something like Flipboard? With On Newsstand you can
First-rate Android Apps of the Week: Google Fit, Gmail 5.0, Pushbullet, and More
As I was mentioning on the top of, Google are preparing their apps for the imminent Android 5.0 Lollipop enwrap out. That's why Google Play Newsstand has received a major update. Demeanour Newsstand now obeys the rules of Material Design bringing more rich colors
Washington Times launches digital tranny app for Apple, Android devices
The Radio apps, powered by Kaliki Audio Newsstand, were approved for both the Apple and Google Flirt stores in recent days, offering fans a unintentionally to listen to the insights, humor and analysis of more than a dozen talents each week.
Google Play Newsstand - Android Apps on Google Play
With Google Play Newsstand, discover more of the news and magazines you care about all in one app on your Android tablet or phone. Enjoy breaking news and ...
Newsstand - Google Play – Google
All together now Newsstand is the new home on Android to get free and paid news from top publishers and full length magazines available for ...
Читалка новостей Newsstand, от Google Play |
Читалка новостей Newsstand в ней вы всегда сможет получить интересную статью и просмотреть ...
Google Play Newsstand (Android) - Download
Google Play Newsstand, free download. Google Play Newsstand 3.1.0: Stay current with magazines on Google Play. Google Play Newsstand is a magazine reader for Android.
Google Play Newsstand | Android Central
There are a lot of ways to get news from both the Internet and print sources on your Android. But if you're tired of keeping track of web pages, and dedicated apps ...